The Crossnore School
The Crossnore School is a 93-year-old, private, non-profit children’s home and school located in Avery County, North Carolina. The Crossnore School began as a boarding school to provide educational opportunities for disadvantaged mountain youth. It has evolved to serve approximately 300 abused, abandoned and neglected children each year from across the state’s mountain and piedmont counties. The Crossnore School’s mission is to provide a safe, stable, healing, living and learning environment for children from families in crisis.
For several years, Crossnore School’s Executive Director, Dr. Phyllis Crain, dreamed of transforming the dark, wormy chestnut walls of the campus’s E. H. Sloop Chapel with a Benjamin Long, IV fresco. She knew she had to realize her dream when she held a child in her lap at a weekly chapel service. She listened as the little girl told her, “I don’ t have anybody who loves me. Even my cat ran away.” The generous contributions of Crossnore School’s friends are making this dream a reality.
Completed in 2006, the fresco at The Crossnore Schoolrenders the scripture of Mark 10:14, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” It features children who were residents at The Crossnore School.

For inquiries regarding available studies or artwork related to the fresco, please contact the studio.